
HRBT Tunnel Talk

HRBT Tunnel Talk podcast follows the progress of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project in Virginia. The series explores funding, construction, employment opportunities, tunnel technology and its overall benefits to the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Tunnel Talk Podcast


09/12/2024 - PODCAST: Hampton Roads Express Lanes (HREL) Network | Click here to listen

07/08/2024 - PODCAST: Uncovering Archeological Discoveries on the HRBT Expansion Project | Click here to listen

06/06/2024 - PODCAST: Celebrating Historic Milestones - TBM breakthrough and what's coming up next for Mary | Click here to listen

05/21/2024 - PODCAST:  Women in Maritime Construction | Click here to listen

01/09/2023 - PODCAST:  Mary is So Boring! Learn About Progress on the New Tunnel | Click here to listen

11/21/2023 - PODCAST:  Coordinating Construction in Hampton | Click here to listen

06/23/2023 - PODCAST:  Environmentally Speaking | Click here to listen

05/5/2023 - PODCAST:  The Role of the STP | Click here to listen | View Captioning

02/28/2023 - PODCAST:  The Role of the STP | Click here to listen

Last updated: September 12, 2024

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